Crucible Hero 2022-23

The Crucible

The Crucible has been a space for creative voices and visions in the Earlham community since the 1950’s. Though the publication has transformed over the years and changed direction many times, The Crucible has always been put together by student editors and is deeply rooted in the Earlham community.

Today, The Crucible strives to reflect the diversity of voices in the Earlham student body and to publish work that speaks to the current moment as it is experienced from the individual level to the global.

Tangibility is at the core of our mission at The Crucible. Our magazine persists as a physical artifact of voices and visions in our community because we believe that holding a book in your hands, printed and bound, gives a unique kind of value to the work inside. In this era of uncertainty and erasure, we believe in the power of physical presence to uplift ideas and the people who create them.

2022-23 Crucible Cover

Latest Issue


Welcome to our 2023 Issue featuring the best of Fiction, Poetry and Visual Art from Earlham students.

Dialectical Montage of You and Me

Andrey Uzarski

Little girl who eats my body, big-eyed
ingénue, sharp-toothed little freak— be sweet
when you reach your baby hands inside
to rip out the pieces you want to eat

Little girl who vomits graphite, bird-boned
milksop, magnolia blossom— be mean when
I conjure you, ghostly, as my own
to express a fantasy, now obscene

Little beast who wears my face, mute kid,
Freckle-faced you— nothing left to say.
Stitched together once, now something I hid,
child disowned as lines started to fray

Between past and future we long outgrew,
little boy in pink, I still love you


Crucible 2020-21 cover

The Crucible


Crucible 2020-21 cover

The Crucible


Crucible 2020-21 cover

The Crucible


Crucible 2020-21 cover

The Crucible


Crucible 2020-21 cover

The Crucible
